If you are a professional in the fields of education, social work and social welfare, social pedagogy, social education, psychology, mental health, sociology, anthropology, economics, law, and other disciplines, and wish to present your work, related to children at risk in the community and in out-of-home care, you are invited to submit your abstract to the Scientific Committee.
The abstracts should be submitted in English, in doc, docx, or pdf format in 12-point font, and include the following:
- Title (up to 150 characters)
- Abstract of the study/project/workshop (up to 200 words): Depending on the selected submission format:
- Presentation of a study: Background, purpose of the study, methodology, main findings and implications
- Presentation of a project within a workshop or as a single thematic presentation. Aim of the project, work principles, implementation, and conclusions
- Roundtable: Topic for the round table, background to topic discussion, names and positions of participants (3 to 5 persons), and main points of the discussion
- Workshops: Topic of the workshop, the goal, the method of performance and the expectations
- Presentation of a poster: Title of research or project to be presented, description of main findings or project essentials.
The abstract submission should also include the following information about the presenter:
First name and last name of the presenter/s
Position, academic degree, institutional affiliation
Email and phone number
Topic category (from the list of topic categories above)
Presentation format (oral presentation at a thematic session, round table, workshop, poster presentation)
The language in which the presentation will be given (English or Croatian; most of the sessions will be held in English and only a limited number of sessions will be available in Croatian, without translation)
A brief (4-5 lines) biography in English should be submitted for each co-author at the time of submission of the abstract.
Online participation: The congress offers a possibility of online participation. Part of the program will be available in hybrid model and participants can submit abstract for the online presentation with reduced registration fee.